John Brown has a 1 acre piece of property that is for sale.
A fine piece of property in a good location.
It's a fertile spot which has fruit bearing trees : East Indian and Number Eleven mangoes, Orange, and Ackee, to name a few.
But the property also has a gully and a grave.
You want to buy only 1/2 acre, and of course you don't want the part with the gully, nor the grave.
For not only is the value of the property reduced, but it is not your loved one that is buried there : You don't even know who was buried there.
Now, John Brown cannot sell you the 1/2 acre that you want.... For, if he did, who is going to buy the other 1/2 acre? and with a grave!
There is no perfect person - None without faults and failures.
When we think to love someone, we should be prepared to love the good, and make do with the not so good.
written by : Enos Brown